Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Geog7 week 1

This map is a map showing the energy consumption all over the world between 1989 and 1998. The scale of this map is 10^15 Btu. We can see that when the color is grey or green, either the consumption is not given or almost zero. However, when we get to red, the consumption is very high. We can observe that the consumption of energy is very high in large countries such as the United States and Russia and that it is very low in Peru for example.


Title: World Energy activity
Author: Joost Bonsen
Publication date: 01/18/2008 at 19:33

This map is a map of the French speaking countries in the world. We can see and understand that when the countries are colored light-blue, there are French speaking countries. When it is Dark blue, there are not. For example, France, Canada, countries in Western Africa are light-blue since there are French speaking countries. However, countries such as Spain, the United States are dark blue.


Author: Educnet

Publication date: 11/18/2007

This map is the map of the United States population. As we can see in the scaling of the map, the more red a part of the map is, the more populated it is. The scale is in thousands of people. We can therefore clearly see that the NorthEast (New York, Pennsylvania), SouthEast (Florida) and West (California) are the most populated areas of the United States. There are actually millions of people living in those areas. We can also see that in the Midwest, a lot of the rectangles are white which means that the population in this area is very low.

Source: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mapsofnewmexico.com/images/USA-Population-Map.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.mapsofnewmexico.com/AccordianTabs/USAMapsandGuides/USApop.php&usg=__J2dSZrNn3ZpsJQ3RCGRLDUgKJH0=&h=582&w=751&sz=54&hl=en&start=5&sig2=XEf2X1NqVcRcYcARCDlxWw&itbs=1&tbnid=zXnZkiD-L9MaxM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=141&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dunited%2Bstates%2Bpopulation%2Bmap%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=81ayS4ifA4zoswOxme27AQ
Author: Travel Bug

Publication date: 03/30/2010


  1. Nice maps and neat layout. What particular interests you for each of the map?

  2. OH, i mean, in other words, are there aspects that you found particularly interesting on the maps?
